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Collected Archived Posts :: by Ted
- Help with LaTeX and TeX
- Help with Vim
- Help on MATLAB
- Analog Electronics Information
- ECE327 – Electronic
Devices and Circuits Laboratory I
(I've included lots of information, documentation, and links on this course
web page)
Some example documents that I produced for the lab:
- Transistor Basics – Introduces bipolar
(junction) transistors and gives schematics for several common
- Practical Integrators – Introduces the
operational amplifier implementation of an integrator and discusses
solutions to practical problems with the circuit.
- Linear Voltage Regulators – Introduces the
Zener shunt regulator and several series pass-transistor regulators
based on it. Also discusses practical uses of the LM317 integrated
circuit bandgap reference.
- Bandgap Voltage Reference Example: LM317 –
Explains how the temperature-independent bandgap reference circuit
within the LM317 works.
- Transistor-Based Ramp Generator –
Describes two ways to build a ramp generator using a PNP transistor
configured as a current source.
- Current Sources and Ramp Generators –
A more complete discussion of ramp generators and current sources.
Includes (impractical) operational amplifier implementations as
- Single-Rail Level-Shifter Amplifiers –
Describes several ways of building a level-shifter amplifier when
only one power supply rail is available.
- Dual-Rail Level-Shifter Amplifiers –
Describes several ways of building a level-shifter amplifier when
only two power supply rails are available.
- Current Driver for (Infrared) LED –
Describes four different ways of building a current driver for
interfacing a low-power digital signal to an LED that requires a
significant amount of current for operation.
- Output Filtering Laboratory Procedure –
Describes level-shifter amplifier, Sallen-Key Butterworth low-pass
filter, and a current driver for an 8 Ω speaker that uses
a BJT push-pull Sziklai-based output stage. Also discusses other
- Choosing an Output for Maximum Power: Impedance Matching –
Discusses why maximum power is delivered when a load impedance is
matched to its source impedance.
- Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Lecture Notes – Discusses several sampling, quantization, and
modulation issues. Also includes figures explaining
structure and function of R-2R ladder and
"H" bridge.
- Part pinout quick references:
- Bipolar transistors, Diodes, and Electrolytic capacitors
- MOS switch, GP operational amplifier, CMOS inverter, 555
timer, and CMOS array
- Zener diodes, NPN bipolar transistors, LM317 regulator, and
Electrolytic capacitors
- 741 and 351 operational amplifiers with specifications and
555 timer
- Open-collector voltage comparator, GP operational
amplifier, JK flip-flop, MOS switch, Diodes, Bipolar
transistors, and Electrolytic capacitors
- MOS switch, MOS-input operational amplifier, MOS inverter,
JK flip-flop, Infrared LED, Infrared photosensor, and Bipolar
- LM317 regulator, GP operational amplifier, Bipolar
transistors, and Electrolytic capacitors
- ECE209 – Circuits
and Electronics Laboratory
(I've included lots of information, documentation, and links on this course
web page)
Some example documents that I produced for the lab:
- Review of Circuits as LTI Systems –
Brief overview of the mathematics and structures commonly
encountered when analyzing linear circuits.
- Sources of Phase Shift – Uses simple low-pass
and high-pass RC filters to show sources of phase shift in
(electrical) LTI systems.
- Phase-Shifter Circuit – Describes and
analyzes a simple all-pass filter phase-shifter circuit.
- Lissajous Figures – Describes the use and
interpretation of input-to-output Lissajous figures for analysis of
linear time-invariant (LTI) systems in the laboratory.
- Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Lecture Notes – Discusses basic DAC circuit implementation
issues. Includes descriptive figure of
R-2R ladder.
- Part Pinouts – Gives descriptive part pinouts
for several parts used in an introductory lab on analog electronics,
including LM741, LM747, 1N914, 1N4148, 2N3904, 2N2222, and
Electrolytic capacitors.
- Control Systems Information
- Evolutionary Biology
- Productivity
- Help with Robotics and Related
- Help on the Internet: The Web and Otherwise
- Comments on Mathematics, Science, and Philosophy
- Comments on People in General
- Other People's Posts with Me in Them