% % $Id: osudissert96.cls,v 1.2 1998/11/02 00:45:41 hanes Exp $ % % Modified: 1996/08/01 mdh to conform to 1995/1996 GS Format % Renamed: 1996/10/11 mdh to allow for backwards compatability. % % Original Author: Manas Mandal %% This is the LaTeX2e document class for OSU dissertations according %% to the 1999 Graduate School specifications %% %% This class is based on the standard LaTeX class `report'. \def\rcsStripFile$#1: #2,v ${#2} \def\rcsStripDate$#1: #2 #3 ${#2} \def\rcsStrip$#1: #2 ${#2} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{osudissert96}[\rcsStripDate$Date: 1998/11/02 00:45:41 $ 1996 OSU Thesis/Dissertation Class] \typeout{*** Conforms to the 1996 Graduate School Format ***} \typeout{Version \rcsStrip$Revision: 1.2 $ of \rcsStripFile $RCSfile: osudissert96.cls,v $ (\rcsStripDate$Date: 1998/11/02 00:45:41 $)} %% Dissertation style options (other than `report' options) are % phd (default) | dma | masters | ms | ma % osudraft (default is off) \newif\if@phd\@phdtrue \newif\if@dma\@dmafalse \newif\if@masters\@mastersfalse \newif\if@ms\@msfalse \newif\if@ma\@mafalse \newif\if@osudraft\@osudraftfalse \DeclareOption{phd}{\@phdtrue} \DeclareOption{dma}{\@dmatrue\@phdfalse} \DeclareOption{masters}{\@masterstrue\@phdfalse} \DeclareOption{ms}{\@mstrue\@phdfalse} \DeclareOption{ma}{\@matrue\@phdfalse} \DeclareOption{osudraft}{\@osudrafttrue} \ExecuteOptions{phd} %% Only allowed `report' options from the full list (see page 177 of %% LaTeX book) are shown below. Some options are disallowed because %% they don't make sense in an OSU dissertation. Options marked %% ``heck, why not?'' mean OSU Grad School's ``Ugly Brown Book'' %% doesn't care as far as we know, so let's allow the user some %% creativity. If a default option is the only alternative, specifying %% it will make no difference. % 12pt (default) % letterpaper (default) % final (default) | draft % oneside (default) | twoside (can be used for the TR form) % openany (default) | openright % onecolumn (default; twocolumn not allowed by Grad School. MM. 1994/08/12) % titlepage (default) % openbib (heck, why not?) mdh - there's a good reason. 1996/04/28 % leqno (heck, why not?) % fleqn (heck, why not?) %% Switch off remaining `report' options that won't be allowed. \DeclareOption{10pt}{\OptionNotUsed} \DeclareOption{11pt}{\OptionNotUsed} %\DeclareOption{12pt}{\OptionNotUsed} % default %\DeclareOption{letterpaper}{\OptionNotUsed} % default \DeclareOption{legalpaper}{\OptionNotUsed} \DeclareOption{executivepaper}{\OptionNotUsed} \DeclareOption{a4paper}{\OptionNotUsed} \DeclareOption{a5paper}{\OptionNotUsed} \DeclareOption{b5paper}{\OptionNotUsed} \DeclareOption{landscape}{\OptionNotUsed} %\DeclareOption{final}{\OptionNotUsed} %\DeclareOption{draft}{\OptionNotUsed} %\DeclareOption{oneside}{\OptionNotUsed} %\DeclareOption{twoside}{\OptionNotUsed} %\DeclareOption{openright}{\OptionNotUsed} %\DeclareOption{openany}{\OptionNotUsed} %\DeclareOption{onecolumn}{\OptionNotUsed} \DeclareOption{twocolumn}{\OptionNotUsed} %\DeclareOption{titlepage}{\OptionNotUsed} % default \DeclareOption{notitlepage}{\OptionNotUsed} \DeclareOption{openbib}{\OptionNotUsed} %\DeclareOption{leqno}{\OptionNotUsed} %\DeclareOption{fleqn}{\OptionNotUsed} %% The default action for any option is to pass it to the report class. \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}} %% Execute the options. \ProcessOptions %% Load the report class in 12pt, letterpaper, titlepage (although we %% shall redefine maketitle later), onecolumn \LoadClass[12pt,letterpaper,titlepage,onecolumn]{report} %\RequirePackage{newdissert} %% MM. 1994/07/26. % Requiring/using newdissert as a package causes some problems because % the following latex209 variables % \footheight, \@maxsep, \@dblmaxsep % are not available in LaTeX2e. (I carefully read classes.dtx and % clsguide.tex, and concluded that those 3 variables won't matter.) % Also, it is a mistake to redefine \newcounter for % part, chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection, paragraph % figure, table \RequirePackage{osudissert96-mods} %% MM. 1994/07/26. % Blindly including all the newdissert style files into newdissert-mod, % and commenting the above definitions makes it work almost as good % as 2e in 209 compatible mode with the newdissert style. %% MM. 1994/07/31. % Fixed newdissert-mod. Result is exactly the same as what newdissert.sty % produces using latex209, and that is the document that meets grad % school rules. Fixing newdissert-mod, however, caused it to be % unusable from 209. Ultimately, osudissert.cls should become a single % file to be used with 2e, unless others have other ideas ..... % \documentclass[12pt,letterpage,titlepage]{report} followed by % \usepackage{newdissert-mod} does the same thing as % \documentclass{osudissert} which I prefer. %% MM. 1994/08/09 % Many changes to newdissert-mod. Result is exactly the same as what % newdissert.sty produced. Most commands are now ``renew''ed versions % of report.cls commands. %% MM. 1994/08/12. % Added compatibility check to newdissert-mod so that, in compat mode, % \documentstyle[12pt,newdissert-mod]{report} works well enough. %% MM. 1994/08/13. % Added all these cool initializations for degree options. Since I can't % force exactly one option to be passed, I make phd option most important %% MM. 1994/08/17. Cleaned up newdissert-mod. Used (re)newenvironment %% whenever possible. Used chapter* wherever appropriate. Did leave %% a few defs in there, esp. Al's stuff and a few variables. Oh yes, %% fixed a few bugs that came in because I redid all the definitions. %% MM. 1994/08/22. Changed some stuff in ms abstract. %% Also added osudraft option. %% MM. 1994/08/23. Changed float/text spacing yet again. %% MM. 1995/02/11. Made Index single-space. %% MM. 1995/02/18. Added co-advisor support to newdissert-mod. %% MM. 1995/02/23. Fixed osudraft. %% MM. 1995/03/08. Changed quotations to single-space. Fixed widows in toc. % Defaults of newdissert-mod again, just for the heck of it. \def\@degree{Doctor of Philosophy} \def\@committee{Dissertation} \def\@thesis{DISSERTATION} \def\@degreeabbrev{Ph.D.} % masters defaults to M.S. \if@masters \def\@degree{Master of Science} \def\@degreeabbrev{M.S.} \fi \if@ms \def\@degree{Master of Science} \def\@degreeabbrev{M.S.} \@masterstrue \fi \if@ma \def\@degree{Master of Arts} \def\@degreeabbrev{M.A.} \@masterstrue \fi % Since I don't know how to allow only one option, I do phd first. \if@phd \def\@degree{Doctor of Philosophy} \def\@degreeabbrev{Ph.D.} \def\@committee{Dissertation} \def\@thesis{DISSERTATION} \else \if@dma \def\@degree{Doctor of Musical Arts} \def\@degreeabbrev{D.M.A.} \def\@committee{D.M.A.} \def\@thesis{D.M.A. DOCUMENT} \else \if@masters \def\@thesis{A Thesis} \def\@committee{Master's Examination} \thesis \fi \fi \fi \endinput %% %% End of file `osudissert96.cls'.