\newcommand{\termsfootnote}{The page where the glossary entry is defined is given in angle brackets (\hypertarget{ch:terms}{\eg}, \examplebracketref{ch:terms}).} \index{solitary agent model!parameters|(indexglo}\begin{theterms} \item[\termheader{A}\hfill] \item [$c^s$] Average cost rate for searching (points per second)~\bhypersym {term:searchcost} \nopage{8} \item [$n$] Number of task types~\bhypersym {term:numtypes}\nopage{8} \item [$\lambda _i$] \aimention {Sim\'{e}on-Denis Poisson}Poisson encounter rate for task type $i$ (tasks per second)~\bhypersym {term:lambdai} \nopage{10} \item [$c_i$] Average fuel cost rate for task type $i$ (points per second per task)~\bhypersym {term:typecostrate} \nopage{10} \item [$g_i$] Average gross processing gain for task type $i$ (points per task)~\bhypersym {term:typegain} \nopage{10} \item [$\tau _i$] Average processing time for task type $i$ (seconds per task)~\bhypersym {term:typeprtime} \nopage{10} \item [$p_i$] The agent's preference probability for task type $i$~\bhypersym {term:typeprefprob} \nopage{10} \item [$g_i(\tau _i)$] Average processing gain for task type $i$ as function of average processing time~\bhypersym {term:typegainfn} \nopage{11} \indexspace \item[\termheader{B}\hfill] \item [$\lambda $] Merged \aimention {Sim\'{e}on-Denis Poisson}Poisson encounter rate for all tasks (tasks per second)~\bhypersym {term:lambda} \nopage{14} \item [$N(t)$] Number of tasks encountered after $t$ seconds~\bhypersym {term:oftNt} \nopage{16} \item [$g$] Gross gain random variable for processing a task during one \ac {OFT} \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycle (points)~\bhypersym {term:oftg} \nopage{14} \item [$\overline {g}$] Expected gross gain for processing a task during one \ac {OFT} \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycle (points)~\bhypersym {term:oftavgg} \nopage{14} \item [$c$] Cost random variable for processing a task during one \ac {OFT} \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycle (points)~\bhypersym {term:oftc} \nopage{14} \item [$\overline {c}$] Expected cost for processing a task during one \ac {OFT} \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycle (points)~\bhypersym {term:oftavgc} \nopage{14} \item [$\tau $] Time random variable for processing a task during one \ac {OFT} \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycle (seconds)~\bhypersym {term:ofttau} \nopage{14} \item [$\overline {\tau }$] Expected time for processing a task during one \ac {OFT} \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycle (seconds)~\bhypersym {term:oftavgtau} \nopage{14} \item [$\oft {G}_1$] Net gain from a single \ac {OFT} renewal cycle (points)~\bhypersym {term:oftG1} \nopage{15} \item [$\oft {C}_1$] Cost from a single \ac {OFT} renewal cycle (points)~\bhypersym {term:oftC1} \nopage{15} \item [$\oft {T}_1$] Length of time of a single \ac {OFT} renewal cycle (seconds)~\bhypersym {term:oftT1} \nopage{15} \item [$\oft {G}^N$] Total net gain for $N$ OFT \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycles (points)~\bhypersym {term:oftGN} \nopage{18} \item [$\oft {C}^N$] Total cost for $N$ OFT \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycles (points)~\bhypersym {term:oftCN} \nopage{18} \item [$\oft {T}^N$] Total length of time for $N$ \index {Markov renewal cycle!OFT cycle|indexglo}\ac {OFT} \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycles (seconds)~\bhypersym {term:oftTN} \nopage{17} \item [$\oft {G}(t)$] Total net gain after $t$ seconds (\ie , $\oft {G}^{N(t)}$) (points)~\bhypersym {term:oftGt} \nopage{18} \item [$\oft {C}(t)$] Total cost after $t$ seconds (\ie , $\oft {C}^{N(t)}$) (points)~\bhypersym {term:oftCt} \nopage{18} \item [$\oft {T}(t)$] Total length of time after $t$ seconds for all completed OFT \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycles (\ie , $\oft {T}^{N(t)}$) (seconds)~\bhypersym {term:oftTt} \nopage{18} \indexspace \item[\termheader{C}\hfill] \item [$\lambda ^p_i$] \aimention {Sim\'{e}on-Denis Poisson}Poisson encounter rate with processed tasks of type $i$ (processed tasks per second)~\bhypersym {term:lambdapi} \nopage{22} \item [$\lambda ^p$] \aimention {Sim\'{e}on-Denis Poisson}Poisson encounter rate with processed tasks of all types (processed tasks per second)~\bhypersym {term:lambdap} \nopage{23} \item [$N^p(t)$] Number of tasks processed after $t$ seconds~\bhypersym {term:Nt} \nopage{25} \item [$g^p$] Gross gain random variable for processing a task during one processing \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycle (points)~\bhypersym {term:gp} \nopage{23} \item [$\overline {g^p}$] Expected gross gain for processing a task during one processing \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycle (points)~\bhypersym {term:avggp} \nopage{24} \item [$c^p$] Cost random variable for processing a task during one processing \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycle (points)~\bhypersym {term:cp} \nopage{23} \item [$\overline {c^p}$] Expected cost for processing a task during one processing \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycle (points)~\bhypersym {term:avgcp} \nopage{24} \item [$\tau ^p$] Time random variable for processing a task during one processing \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycle (seconds)~\bhypersym {term:taup} \nopage{23} \item [$\overline {\tau ^p}$] Expected time for processing a task during one processing \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycle (seconds)~\bhypersym {term:avgtaup} \nopage{24} \item [$G_1$] Net gain from a single processing renewal cycle (points)~\bhypersym {term:G1} \nopage{24} \item [$C_1$] Cost from a single processing renewal cycle (points)~\bhypersym {term:C1} \nopage{24} \item [$T_1$] Length of time of a single processing renewal cycle (seconds)~\bhypersym {term:T1} \nopage{24} \item [$G^{N^p}$] Total net gain for $N$ processing \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycles (points)~\bhypersym {term:GN} \nopage{26} \item [$C^{N^p}$] Total cost for $N$ processing \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycles (points)~\bhypersym {term:CN} \nopage{26} \item [$T^{N^p}$] Total length of time for $N^p$ processing \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycles (seconds)~\bhypersym {term:TN} \nopage{26} \item [$G(t)$] Total net gain after $t$ seconds (\ie , $G^{N^p(t)}$) (points)~\bhypersym {term:Gt} \nopage{26} \item [$C(t)$] Total cost after $t$ seconds (\ie , $C^{N^p(t)}$) (points)~\bhypersym {term:Ct} \nopage{26} \item [$T(t)$] Total length of time after $t$ seconds for all completed processing \aimention {Andrei A. Markov}Markov renewal cycles (\ie , $T^{N^p(t)}$) (seconds)~\bhypersym {term:Tt} \nopage{26} \end{theterms}% \index{solitary agent model!parameters|)indexglo}