% Upper-case A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z % Lower-case a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z % Digits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % Exclamation ! Double quote " Hash (number) # % Dollar $ Percent % Ampersand & % Acute accent ' Left paren ( Right paren ) % Asterisk * Plus + Comma , % Minus - Point . Solidus / % Colon : Semicolon ; Less than < % Equals = Greater than > Question mark ? % At @ Left bracket [ Backslash \ % Right bracket ] Circumflex ^ Underscore _ % Grave accent ` Left brace { Vertical bar | % Right brace } Tilde ~ % ---------------------------------------------------------------------| % --------------------------- 72 characters ---------------------------| % ---------------------------------------------------------------------| % % Optimal Foraging Theory Revisited: Chapter 5. Conclusion % % (c) Copyright 2007 by Theodore P. Pavlic % \chapter{Conclusion} \label{ch:conclusion} With increasing demand for automation, engineering design methods must be developed that encapsulate complex high-level decision making. Automated controllers need to perform tasks that would traditionally be carried out by \index{cognition}cognitive agents (\eg, human beings). So, engineering is progressively more interested in constructing \emph{behaviors} rather than just decision rules. Therefore, it makes sense that behavioral ecology could be influential to the development of design methods in \index{artificial intelligence}artificial intelligence. This insight is the genesis of this thesis. We demonstrate how the study of patterns of natural \index{cognition}cognitive behavior can be used to guide the construction of engineered agents. This novel extension of behavioral ecology can lead to new realizations about the natural world. As these fields have a rich history, their combination provides for many future research directions. \section{Contributions to Engineering} \index{contributions!engineering|(} \index{applications|see{examples, applications}} \index{automation|see{examples, applications}} \index{robotics|see{examples, applications}} \index{queueing|see{examples, applications, queueing}} \index{vehicles|see{examples, applications, autonomous vehicle}} \index{AGV|see{examples, applications, autonomous vehicle}} \index{autonomous ground vehicles|see{examples, applications, autonomous vehicle}} \index{AAV|see{examples, applications, autonomous vehicle}} \index{autonomous air vehicles|see{examples, applications, autonomous vehicle}} \index{UGV|see{examples, applications, autonomous vehicle}} \index{unmanned ground vehicles|see{examples, applications, autonomous vehicle}} \index{UAV|see{examples, applications, autonomous vehicle}} \index{unmanned air vehicles|see{examples, applications, autonomous vehicle}} \index{examples!applications|(indexdef}Results from behavioral ecology can be extended to engineering design. At an abstract level, a forager with a behavior favored by natural selection due to its energy-time balance is no different from a single agent with protocols that achieve a favorable work-resource balance. This agent model is applicable in a wide range of engineering applications. \index{examples!applications!military}\index{examples!applications!autonomous vehicle}The analogy between foraging and task processing is obvious in military applications where agents search for targets to process while also minimizing fuel cost or risk. Also consider an \index{examples!applications!temperature control|indexdef}automated centralized temperature controller in a large building. The controller has limited control authority and faces random temperature disturbances. It must prioritize its efforts to achieve some desirable temperature profile given its limited resources. Our design methods may be used to design a strategy that efficiently manages the temperature profile of the building\footnote{For example, temperature perturbations away from the desired profile may be viewed as task encounters.}. In fact, \citet{QAP06} have implemented an \ac{OFT}-based temperature controller prototype. Other controllers that must prioritize resource investment to achieve some favorable outcome may be viewed in a similar way. Our model is particularly useful in applications with \aimention{Sim\'{e}on-Denis Poisson}Poisson encounters, as in many \index{examples!applications!queueing}queueing applications. This model could also be modified for use in other stochastic environments.\index{examples!applications|)indexdef} \index{contributions!engineering|)} \section{Contributions to Biology} \index{contributions!biology|(} This new engineering approach is not only inspired by classical \ac{OFT} but also provides new insights to behavioral ecology. While qualitative results can be useful in justifying observed behavior in nature, the design of engineered behaviors requires a strong quantitative analysis of a trusted model. Therefore, the two fields have different priorities, and they complement each other. Biologically-inspired engineering design leads to elegant agent behaviors and new insights into the elegance of observed foraging behaviors in nature. In particular, the work in this thesis contributes to biology in the following ways. % \begin{description} \item\emph{Improved Agent Model:} Our solitary agent model that we discuss encapsulates the existing foraging model used in classical \ac{OFT}. However, we explicitly model a relationship between processing time and processing cost and none of our analysis requires that any cost is nil. We also allow for the possibility of negative search costs and gains, which expands the applicability of the model (\eg, negative search costs may indicate additional value accumulated while not in a processing mode). \item\emph{Combination of Rate Maximization and Risk Sensitivity:} Our approach of defining an agent lifetime in terms of a finite number of tasks yields new ways of approaching statistical optimization of the agent model. Because the agent has a finite lifetime, thresholds of lifetime success may be added to the analysis. Success thresholds cannot be used in classical \ac{OFT} rate maximization because an infinite lifetime is assumed, and so any threshold will have zero impact on behavior. Gain thresholds are considered in risk-sensitive classical \ac{OFT} approach, but the impact of environmental parameters cannot easily be explored because the model does not provide an easy way to study finite-lifetime behavior. Because our approach is defined by a finite lifetime assumption, we can add a gain threshold to rate maximization (\ie, we consider \emph{excess} rate maximization) and study the impact of environmental parameter changes on risk-sensitive behavior. The former combines risk sensitivity and time minimization. The latter shows not only how parameters like encounter rates and costs can modulate risk-sensitive behavior but also how minimization of uncertainty is related to time minimization. \item\emph{Evolutionary Justification for Efficiency Maximization:} Efficiency maximization is usually considered to be unrealistic in biology because it does not provide the time minimization important to both risk sensitivity and rate maximization. However, by studying efficiency with respect to our agent model, we show how its maximization does provide time pressure (\ie, minimization of costs has a related effect on time). This makes it an optimization objective that does not conflict with the expected pressures of natural selection or survival in general. \item\emph{Generalized \ac{MVT}:} By studying the maximization of a generalized rational value function, we provide a simple method for finding behaviors that are optimal with respect to existing objectives and objectives yet to be determined. The optimal solutions to this generic value function show that the \ac{MVT} is a specialization of a general rule based on marginal advantage and marginal disadvantage. \end{description} % These contributions are the result of a fresh perspective on well-known theoretical research in behavioral ecology. This suggests that collaboration between engineers and biologists has synergistic value. \index{contributions!biology|)} \section{Future Directions} \index{future directions|(} There are several future directions for extending this work. For one, the agent model we have described may be expanded to include the impact of recognition cost and behavior-dependent encounter rates. Nonlinear fuel costs might also be added to the model\footnote{As our justifications for using efficiency maximization as an alternative for rate maximization are based on linear costs, this modification is not trivial.}. Additionally, analytical results that use variance would be valuable when considering risk in random environments. The optimization methods also leave room for improvement. As discussed, \ac{MPT} and \ac{PMPT} have studied nearly identical problems in finance. Modern portfolio choice and capital budgeting research is far more advanced than the economic literature typically cited by behavioral ecologists. Approaching behavioral analysis and design from this updated point of view may be valuable. Finally, it is important to engineering that biologically-inspired agent design be tested experimentally in order to validate its utility. \index{future directions|)} \section{The Value of Collaboration} Studying ways of combining behavioral ecology, finance, and engineering has been enlightening and stimulating. Researchers in these fields approach similar problems from different directions. Their collaboration can lead to unanticipated insights of genuine value. Even if the results of this particular work fail to be successfully applied to engineering, it is likely that starting a discussion among members of this diverse group of fields will eventually yield mutual benefits.